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来源网站:卡耐基范文网 2020-09-04




  Chinese kites fall into two major categories: those with detachable wings and those with fixed wings. The former can be taken apart and packed in boxes. Easy to carry about, they make good presents. The second category refers to those with fixed, non-detachable frames; they fly better and higher, given a steady wind. Classified by designs and other specifications, there are no less than 300 varieties, including human figures, fish, insects, birds, animals, etc. In size, they range from 304 meters to only 30 centimeters across.


  北京是几朝古都,各地美食风味云集、名厨高手荟萃,各民族饮食风俗在此相互影响,使得北京菜具有了别具一格、自成一体的特色。中国人把酒筵又称作席。满汉全席是具有满族、汉族菜肴特色的大型盛筵。它有用山珍海味做出的菜肴190多种,点心茶食120多种, 分为六宴、要三天才吃完。用餐环境优雅,席间还有名师古乐伴奏。(144字)


  Beijing, as the nation’s capital for several dynasties, has a large pool of gourmet foods and first-rate chefs. Mutual influences between ethics have built Beijing’s cuisine a style of its own. Xi is the name the Chinese give to a formal banquet, while Manhan Quanxi is such a banquet that bears the characteristics of both Manchurian and Han cuisines. It covers more than 190 courses of delicacies and 120 snacks, pided into six rounds in three days to finish. The eating is usually accompanied by classical Chinese music played by masterly musicians.




  The Lantern Festival,also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, falls on the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. And after the Lantern Festival, everything returns to normal. The Lantern Festival is bustling with activity. People are filled with incomparable joy. On that day, festive lanterns fill the whole street and people sing and dance throughout the whole night. This forms a mass recreational activity. For a long time, people have continuously produced various kinds of elegant and strange lanterns.

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