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来源网站:创业找项目 2018-06-16


1 Charity is the responsibility for all of us

I really think a person living on the earth should do something helpful and useful to others. Why? The reason is obvious. Because nobody can foresee tomorrow, if you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you out. However, vice versa. Therefore, if you are able to help others in trouble, please do not hesitate, just do it! With charity from everyone of us, the world can be brighter and more beautiful.

2Charity is the responsibility for all of us

I really think a person living on the earth should do something helpful and useful to others. Why? The reason is obvious. Because nobody can foresee tomorrow, if you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you out. However, vice versa. Therefore, if you are able to help others in trouble, please do not hesitate, just do it! With charity from everyone of us, the world can be brighter and more beautiful.

3The benefits of charitable activities reflected in many aspects. For business, in the traditional way of advertising is not effective in the past, charitable donations can be used as a way to attract favorable attention, but also acts as the business of doing good will of the public that can greatly enhance the public's trust in a brand. Of the people, the charity can improve people's standard of living, but also be able to form a friendly social atmosphere. All in all, charity activities, embodies the human-to-human Languages of the spirit of love, friendship, humanity is the concentrated expression of good feelings, to improve people's moral quality and maintain social harmony and stability have significant meaning





还有一位教国际税法的老师,同时在事务所兼职,可以说收入颇丰。在我们第二学期最后一堂课的时候,他突然穿着一身小丑装,鼻子上挂个小红球,端着讲义给我们上课!逗得大家哈哈大笑,纷纷拿出手机给老师拍照,老师也十分合作地摆出各种POSE(姿势)。笑完之后,老师端出一白色纸盒,捐钱!原来,那天是搞笑救济日——RED NOSE DAY,英国一年一



总的来说,目前中国的慈善活动的范围不够广,主要是缺乏组织有序的机构。英国的慈善基金会很值得借鉴。其次,国家的扶持与鼓励很重要,比如说,规定捐款可免去相应数额的所得税。再次,捐款支出的透明度。如果有清晰的支出说明和相应的监督机制,人们就不至于怀疑自己捐款的去处,会鼓励更多的人放心地“献出爱心”。 ,猛然听见窗外有人兴奋地大叫:“下雪了,快来看呀!”我慌忙关上电视,飞快地冲下楼去,只见蒙蒙细雨之中,银白色的“珍珠”漫天洒落,宛如仙女的舞裙,又似天使的白羽。


The benefits of charitable activities reflected in many aspects. For business, in the traditional way of advertising is not effective in the past, charitable donations can be used as a way to attract favorable attention, but also acts as the business of doing good will of the public that can greatly enhance the public's trust in a brand. Of the people, the charity can improve people's standard of living, but also be able to form a friendly social atmosphere. All in all, charity activities, embodies the human-to-human Languages of the spirit of love, friendship, humanity is the concentrated expression of good feelings, to improve people's moral quality and maintain social harmony and stability have significant meaning

I really think a person living on the earth should do something helpful and useful to others. Why? The reason is obvious. Because nobody can foresee

tomorrow, if you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you out. However, vice versa. Therefore, if you are able to help others in trouble, please do not hesitate, just do it! With charity from everyone of us, the world can be brighter and more beautiful.

I'm very glad to have this chance to organize a charity show, so that i can raise money for the people in need.

I have to do a lot of things before the charity show.I should decide who will be present and donate money in this charity show and then get in touch with them. i have to ask the TV stations for help. i hope that they can help to advertise for the show. It can attract many people to come and do good.

i can invite someone to give a speech and introduce this activity in the show . And some singers will make performances. The duties of all of them are to call on people to help the one in need and donate as much as possible.

After the show i will make a summary about it. So if i was asked to organize another charity show,i can be helped from this summary.

I hope this charity show will be a success.

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