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大学演讲稿 当苏格拉底遇上孔子(样例5)优秀5篇

来源网站:卡耐基范文网 2022-09-03 20:30:59

篇一:当苏格拉底遇上孔子的一分钟自我介绍和3分钟演讲稿 篇一

Honorable judges ,ladies and gentlemen:

Good afternoon. I am glad to be here for this speech contest. First let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Huiting.I am, from Jiangmen and 20 now. I am major in Human Resource Management 。I am a extrovert.In my spare time, I prefer to stay alone rather than go out with my friends. In the weekend, I always kill time by reading, watching movies and listening to music. Although my favorite singer is P!nk and NichoIas Sparks’ book takes most room of my bookshelf, it doesn’t mean that I don’t read or listen or watch others’ wroks.Because from my view, in order to broaden my horizon is to know different kinds of works.


中午好。我很高兴在这里演讲比赛。首先让我介绍一下我自己。我的名字是陈慧婷。我来自江门,我现在20了。我是人力资源管理专业。我是一个性格外向的人,但在我的业余时间,我喜欢一个人独处而不是和我的朋友出去。在周末,我经常看书,听音乐和看电影来打发时间。虽然我最喜欢的歌手是P!NK,而尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯书占了我书架上绝大部分的空间,但是这并不意味着我不读或听或看别人的作品。因为在我看来,涉猎不同的作品可以开拓我的视野。 It my great honor to stand here and discuss, when Socrates meets Confucius with everyone here. As we often say, Socrates was Confucius of the west and vice versa.It totally shows the connection of this tow great educators.Therefore,today ,I want to compare Socrates with Confucius from the perspective of education.

First of all ,I would love to talk about their philosophy of education. Although Socrates was Greek and Confucius was Chinese ,they were both living in the age when the society had had a rigid a caste system. What surprises me most is that they shared the same idea in education——no people left behind ,which is said by Confucius. At that time ,only the royal and the rich can go to school and accept education. However, not only they have argued against this phenomenon, but also they treated everyone equally. Therefore,they have tried their best to make everyone receive education.That’s why Socrates answered the question from the poor and Confucius traveled around China to spread his thought.

Although they possessed the same education philosophy, it doesn’t mean that there is no difference in education between Socrates and Confucius, for example, education mode.In my opinion, Confucius requested people to believe while Socrates inspired people to think. From the perspecitive of Confucius,he preferred to transfer his knowledge to students, so he was not happy to see if students against him.Even if he prompted the students, what he did was intended to find methods to make them understand better. On the contrary, Socrates never taught the students the ready-made answers but too dispute, cross-examine and so on to force students to think or rethink on their own, and finally find the answer to the question.The Socrates mode is more to cultivate students’ own reasoning ability and selfawareness.

Of course, the above comparison between Confucius and Socrates is just my personal opinion. But I believe that a fantastic spark will definitely be created when Socrates meet Confucius, face to face. That’ s all, thank you guys for listening.








篇二:大学演讲稿 当苏格拉底遇上孔子 篇二

When Socrates Meets Confucius ——When the western education meets the eastern education

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, Today my topic is When Socrates Meets Confucius——when the western education meets the eastern education. Maybe many people would be surprised by this topic. When Socrates was born, Confucius had passed away for 10 years, and they lived in different countries and there were no planes at that time. How can they meet?! But today let’s suppose they meet each other. When Socrates meets Confucius, maybe he would say: “Hi, Confucius!” And Confucius would make a Chinese fist and palm salute and answer “nice to meet you, Mr. Socrates!” And then they will discuss many questions. At last, Confucius would say: “Mr. Socrates, you can be my teacher.” Because Confucius always insisted that “three-line, must be my teacher”。 And Socrates would answer it by his well-known saying: “I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.”

Of course, it’s just a joke. Socrates and Confucius were both the best and most famous educators in the ancient. Confucius’ educational thoughts had a very deep influence on Chinese education, and Socrates deeply affected the western education as well. So when Socrates meets Confucius, I think it’s the western education meeting the eastern education. The western education and the eastern education have many differences, but they both have many good things at the same time. I think the western education and the eastern education could learn from each other to create better educational methods. Yes, there’s already some communication between the western education and the eastern education, and it has promoted educational development. But I think it is still not enough. We need more communication. Education is the guider of culture. The western education leads the western culture and the eastern education leads the eastern culture. So, if we fuse the western education and the eastern education together, it would be a kind of new education, and it will create a new world culture and make our world more harmonious. When Socrates meets Confucius, when the western education meets the eastern education and be fused together, it would become the Socrates and Confucius’ Education——let’s call it as the New World Education! I believe this New World Education will make our world 牛牛范文 better and better! So, let’s make Socrates meet Confucius!

篇三:英语演讲比赛《当苏格拉底遇上孔子》 篇三

When Socrates meets Confucius

Yudan has said:”Confucius is grey,it’s splendid when grey is mixed with any other colours.”That is to say,Confucius interlinks the colourful world.Interlink is extensive,from east to west,from ancient times to modern times.The majority of people may can’t help asking:”what sparks can appear when confucius interlinks Socrates?”So,today,the tittle of my speech is when Socrates meets confucius.Some people advocate that Socrates or confucius traverses to meet.While from my own perspective,Socrates is on behalf of ancient greek,confucius is on behalf of ancient china,to some extent,the title means that the culture of ancient greek meets culture of ancient china.They staged a similar life,bring hope and bright to their own country,making a difference.Socrates’concept of supremacy of law and a democratic society are invariably corresponded with confucius’ idea of ceremy and common society.Indeed, the waves pushed forward waves.In some ways,Socrates is superior to confucius.For example,the limitation of kinship that Socrates put forward is straightforward,on contrast,the view that confucius hold ispeople are more important than the ruler,giving us a more temperate feeling.We will form thesituation which is called a combination of Chinese and western when the two cultures meet.,which can help us own a finer and more harmonious society.

篇四:当孔子遇到苏格拉底(英文 篇四

When socrates meet confucious Good afternoon 。 Welcome to the scene of the moot, I"m jane,the monitor for today’s debating contest. It"s a great honor for us to invite two heavyweight masters to launch a debate about education.First,let me introduce them ,the positive part is the metaphor for the father of philosophy , Socrates, and the opposite is from China which is the founder of Chinese Confucianism ,confucious.our topic is knowledge comes from the heart or gets by outside. Next, let us enjoy this language storm. Hello everyone, I am Socrates, my view is knoeledge just comes from our heart.The best person is yourself, know yourself, to know the life. Human’s potential is unlimited, the purpose of education is to stimulate people"s potential. There is no absolute truth in the world, so I never told my students the answer to the question,I just proposed it, let them find the answer. it is because of people"s creativity and imagination, make the world develop so quickly. so I think the knowledge comes from the heart. Dear students, I am confucious I believe that knowledge is acquired by the outside world, I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.I do not deny that the thinking of innovation, but we need the previous experience, the purpose of education is to inform you of their thinking 。Only by standing on the shoulders of giants to see better. so I think knoledge just get from outside. Thank you. Listen to the great debate of two masters, I believe we will benefit a lot. Educate in realizing corpus society in the character of important role. learning without thinking is useless,thinking without learning is perilous.okay,our debate here is over, thanks to the support and welcome to see next time,goodbye.

篇五:当苏格拉底遇见孔子(英文 篇五

In ancient Chinese and western, there are two education masters can be comparable to each is Confucius [k?n?fju:??s] in China and the other one is the ancient Greek Socrates[?s?kr?ti:z] , which up to now are still praised in the world.Imagine, when Socrates meets Confucius, what sparks will they collide out(碰撞出)? As we know, Confucius is considered as the greatest of theancient Chinese sages[se?d?z] (圣人), and Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher[f??l?s?f?(r)] (哲学家)who was regarded as a saint (圣人)dying for the pursuit (追求)of the truth. When it comes to educational mode[m??d](方式), they have something in common, but at the same time they still hold volume[?v?lju:m](大量)of different views. From the perspective(观点)of Confucius, Confucius"s teaching method is the gentleman type, although in the teaching he is an amiable["e?m??bl](和蔼可亲的)old man, he established[??st?bl??t](建立)the basic specification of teacher’s absolute authority(权利,权威)。 In general, Confucius taught students by the knowledge-transference way. Although he also prompted[p"r?mpt?d](鼓励)the student, what he did was intended to find ways to let them understand what the teacher said better. So he was not happy for students against the intention(意图) of their teacher. This educational mode is more to cultivate(培养) students to the teacher"s loyalty and understanding, to believe in authority. However, Socrates’ teaching methods were quite different from Confucius’。 He never taught students the ready-made answers, but took dispute[d?"spju:t](辩论), cross-examine and so on to force students to think for themselves, and finally found the answer to their questions. He didn’t care whether they thought the same with their teacher and they believe what the teacher said or not. The Socrates’ mode is more to cultivate students





and self-awareness[?self??we?nis] (自我意识)

So Plato["ple?t??](柏拉图), who was good at thinking and pursued(追求) the dialectical [?da??"lekt?kl](辩证的) way, became the heir[e?(r)](继承人) of Socrates" education style. From the way of education, Confucius transmitted(传播) knowledge while Socrates forced students themselves to get knowledge; Confucius taught people to believe while Socrates taught them to doubt. Of course, they both paid attention to the heuristic[hju?r?st?k](启发式的) teaching and encouraged independent thinking instead of the force-feeding teaching with results given directly. If they two learnt the teaching idea from each other, the world culture will be further integration[??nt?"ɡre??n](整合,一体化)。 Also, China"s feudal[?fju:dl](封建的)culture bound[ba?nd](文化界)won"t continue for so long. Last but not least(最后), the cultural conflicts will be reduced and the world will be more peaceful.

大学演讲稿 当苏格拉底遇上孔子(样例5)优秀5篇》出自:卡耐基范文网
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