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来源网站:卡耐基范文网 2022-11-21 19:58:30


篇一:总结经验英语翻译 篇一

Conscientious, responsible, studious, warm, steady work seriously, ambitious. Proficiency in common office software word, excel.

Easygoing and generous, cheerful, friendly, honest and humble. Hard-working, serious and responsible, hard working, conscientious, patient.

It has an affinity and approachable. Strong communication skills, good self-expression, eloquent. Nuanced observe things, the ability to detect and correct deficiencies of self.

Basic knowledge of solid, good leadership and management.





篇二:总结经验英语翻译 篇二





篇三:总结经验英语翻译 篇三

Serious and responsible work, do not shirk responsibility; ability to work under pressure; can work independently;

A team player, with colleagues, other departments actively cooperate with the companys interests first;

Obedience and good, maintain good communication with superiors, respect for superiors arrangements;

Honest, upright; and easy to learn, and continuously improve the ability to work;

I believe your choice I make you more successful;






篇四:总结经验英语翻译 篇四

这周在上翻译课的时候,老师特别强调了主语问题。 中国人一般习惯于将人做主语,所以被动语态使用频率较少,而英文中则不然。在课上我认真记下了许多例子,今天在翻译文章的时候就派上了用场。以前在翻译一段话或者是小文的时候,我从来不注意主语这个问题,甚至每句话都是不同的主语。今天深刻的体会到,无论是中翻译,还是英翻中,有一点我一直忽略了:英语原文若为长难句,翻译成中文的时候总是做了许多处理。比如,调整主语,英文中一个长句译成汉语时拆成两个短句,等等。这也就涉及到翻译中常遇到的理论和技巧。










此处记录下重要笔记:1)It goes without saying that不言而喻的是2)It is common knowledge that众所周知的是3)It occurs to me that我突然想起4)It is not that.。.but that并不是说而是说


篇五:总结经验英语翻译 篇五

匆匆(2)Transient Days



What is gone is gone,what is to come keeps coming. How swift is the transition in between!When I get up in the morning,the slanting sun casts two or three squarish patches of light into my small room.The sun has feet too,edging away softly and stealthily.And, without knowing it,I am already caught in its revolution. Thus the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands;vanishes in the rice bowl when I have my meal;passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie. Aware of its fleeting presence,I reach out for it only to find for it only to find it brushing past my outstretched hands. In the evening,when I lie on my bed,it nimbly strides over my body and flits past my feet.By the time when I open my eyes to meet the sun again,another day is already gone.I heave a sigh,my head buried in my hands.But, in the midst of my sighs, a new day is flashing past.

篇六:总结经验英语翻译 篇六



经典例题: He drew a deep breath.

参考译文: 他深深地吸了一口气。


经典例题: Pictures show him in the company of men like Churchill,Einstein and Gandhi. 参考译文: 在这些照片中我们可以看到他和邱吉尔、爱因斯坦、甘地这些人的交往。



经典例题: He is admired by everybody. 参考译文: 大家都很钦佩他。


经典例题: Materials to be used for structural purpose are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental condition. 参考译文: 用于结构上的材料必须选择得使它们在周围环境条件下具有弹性。



经典例题: Since the invention of the transistor at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in1984,it has found its way into varied applications in the commercial,industrial and military fields.

参考译文: 自从1984年贝尔电话研究所发明晶体管以来,晶体管的种种应用已遍及商业、工业和军事各个领域。

(状语译成主语) 经典例题: Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures. 参考译文: 电视和无线电的不同点在于电视能收发图像。


经典例题: Matter is usually electrically neutral,that is,it has as many protons,as electrons. 参考译文: 物质通常是不带电的,就是说,它的质子和电子数量是相等的。



经典例题: There is a need for improvement in your study habits. 参考译文: 你的学习习惯需要改进。




经典例题: This causes the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. 参考译文: 这样就盖起了许多人聚居的高楼大厦。


经典例题: At the slightest improvement in my work they would show warm approval. 参考译文 我工作稍有进步,他们就热情肯定。

篇七:总结经验英语翻译 篇七

The writer of this paper has searched and collected a large number of researches and papers related to the topic of military English.

In China, It includes the Stylistic features and translation of military English written by Xin Min and Yu Jie, which has a deep study in the stylistic features and translation of military English. According to their paper, the stylistic niubb.n niubb.net et features include lexical feature and syntactic feature. According to them, the translation

of military English should include the following four steps: a brief professional knowledge, exact understanding of its meaning, careful analysis in the long sentences, and proper use of vocabulary.

Another article written by Zhang Ju is The language features and translation principles of military English, in which the wide use of clipping words is its language feature, and its translation principles are: exact use of words, concise form and translation standardization.

Moreover, I have also sought for many other articles such as Zhu Lianhongs the vocabulary in military English, LiWeizhongs the comparison between Chinese and English military terms and any other materials related to my research paper. Of course, they can give me help with my article and I surely get much information from the previous achievements.

This paper focuses on the characteristics and E-C translation of sentences in military English, then states the significance of it.

1、 The language features of military English, mainly includes Compound word formation, Acronym, Concise oral language, soldiers emotional and political features, Semantic fuzzy expression, Irony, Borrowing and so on.

2、 As to the translation of sentences in military English, it consists of two aspects: the translation and its principles. The former one includes: a brief professional knowledge, exact understanding of its meaning, careful analysis in the long sentences, and proper use of vocabulary. The later has three principles: exact use of words, concise form and translation standardization. Furthermore, some detailed examples can be found to support my views.

篇八:总结经验英语翻译 篇八

For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called Ask Marilyn. People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe as, Whats the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? Its not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart? How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields?

The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales 。 Generally costing several hundred dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savants are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test and the Graduate Record Exam , capture the main aspects of IQ tests.

篇九:总结经验英语翻译 篇九


It’s no surprise that employees today want flexible hours. What is surprising, though, is that so few employers offer a flexible work schedule. All the while, millions of Americans choose to work part-time jobs so they can have more control over their work and personal lives.


If you don’t offer flexible working hours and conditions, you’re not only creating an unideal work environment for your employees. You could also be shutting out qualified candidates who won’t settle working for a company with an antiquated working hours policy.


Why Americans Choose Flexibility Over Money


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 20 million Americans actively choose part-time work.


They’re not working fewer hours because they can’t find a full-time position; rather, they’re engaging in a deliberate, careful work-life balance. For most, working part-time is a result of simply not being able to commit to 9-to-5 jobs.


For example, they may be college or graduate students who need time to complete assignments. Some part-time employees juggle family obligations, and others are semi-retired.


However, one-third of this demographic - roughly 6 million Americans - choose part-time work so they can follow their passions.


These workers want to design their own careers. Many are young and college-educated, and they want work that will cater to their lifestyle, which is largely in flux.


Among this population, the common denominator is simple: They don’t want to work long hours in a job they don’t like.


Too-Strict Hours Are Bad for Business


Even though more and more Americans choose part-time work, the percentage of employers offering flexible work has increased only minimally in the past decade - from about 4 to 5 percent.


Inflexible hours, especially combined with low wages, place demands on employees that leave them starved for time, both for themselves and for their families.


Simply put, strict hours are bad for business because they’re bad for employees. According to research, it’s hazardous to their health. Stress takes a toll on heart health, blood pressure and getting a good night’s sleep. Spending more than 20 hours awake has the same impact on bodily and mental function as consuming five or six alcoholic drinks.


The statistics also show a much more insidious problem: increased likelihood of alcohol abuse. People who work 50 or more hours a week are three times as likely to chronically abuse alcohol than those who don’t.


As a result, the economy suffers. Experts estimate that, as a whole, alcohol misuse costs the U.S. economy $223.5 billion every year. Decreased workplace productivity accounts for a staggering 72 percent of the loss.


Why Offer Flexible Hours


Given the stats, it’s clear that changing the way you structure your startup’s hours is well worth the effort. If you still need convincing, read on for some more reasons to switch to flextime.




Consider the cost benefits of shutting down the office entirely for one day every week. During that day, no one is draining utilities like electricity or water - and you’re saving on smaller investments, too, like coffee, paper towels and hand soap.


Employees also save money they would otherwise spend on gas, public transit or going out to lunch. If the work can still get done, what may seem like small cost savings ultimately make a huge difference.




Giving people space and time away from the office allows them to catch up on truly necessary activities, such as spending time with their families and getting enough sleep. When employees feel refreshed, they’re much happier to come to work.




When one of the perks you can offer is a flexible work schedule, you’ll be able to find competent people to help your business be the best they can be - and you’ll beat out your competitors in the process.




When coming to work is about more than showing up, things get done. As an employer, one great way to offer flexibility is to allow your employees to work remotely when you don’t need them at the office, or to work nontraditional hours.


When the employer’s focus is on the work being done, the employees can focus on meeting deadlines and producing good work - not on watching the clock tick the seconds until it’s time to go home. The luxury of the nontraditional schedule reduces stress - and when stress doesn’t get in the way, your startup will benefit.


Allowing employees to work flexible hours doesn’t mean they’re allowed to stop showing up. Consider these ideas for restructuring the way you work your startup. The bottom line is that tangible results are the goal. Many employees find it helps tremendously when they can complete tasks efficiently, but in their own way.



A survey reveals that the average British person will say sorry more than 1.9 million times in their lifetime.


Of course, sorry has a multitude of uses in this country. It might be deployed apologetically in response to stepping on someones foot or indignantly in response to them stepping on your foot - or sarcastically in response to them glaring at you for stepping on their foot. In the U.S., there are no such nuances. Over there, sorry tends to mean sorry.


Evidently, the word whinge has been in steady use in Britain since the 1500s, possibly because we havent stopped whingeing since.


Yet we are no good at actual complaining. [The British] habitually refuse to tackle an issue head on, A common response to "How are you?" in Britain is "Cant complain"。

然而真正抱怨的时候我们又乏于技巧。“(英国人)习惯性的在遇到问题的时候拒绝正面处理问题。”“当被问及‘你好吗’(How are you)时,英国人的惯常回答是‘还算好。’(Cant complain)”。

Its quite true: we cant. Not nearly as well as our more direct transatlantic cousins, anyway. As Moore observes: If you ever accidentally cut someone in a line in Britain, what you’ll hear will be grumbling, whingeing, under-the-breath comments and sighs: the barely audible sounds of half-a-dozen people deciding, all at once, not to confront you.


While an American might just say: "Hey, buddy - the end of the line is over there."


Howerver, I’m gratified to learn that millions of Americans, in turn, have adopted the British way of using cheers to mean thanks or goodbye.


Moore quotes a British banker living in New York, who says: Im getting sick of my clients saying "Cheers" to me. Americans say "Cheers" with too much enthusiasm. It must be delivered laconically.



Working in a well-ventilated green office can help boost your brainpower, researchers have found.


People whose desk space is well ventilated with below average indoor pollution and carbon dioxide levels, showed more ability to think, understand, remember and learn, according to a study.


It suggests that the indoor environmental quality can have a profound impact on the decision-making and performance of workers.


Researchers at Harvard looked at the decision making abilities of 24 people, who were exposed to different indoor working conditions over six days.


The findings, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, showed those with higher levels of pollutants were less able.


Participants scored an average 61 percent higher while working in buildings with low pollution levels, compared to days working in a conventional building.


They were tested on everything from basic tasks to crisis response and information seeking.


When low carbon dioxide levels were combined with lower pollutants in buildings, cognitive scores were 101 percent higher than in conventional buildings, which researchers said was significant as it is not typically thought of as a direct indoor pollutant.


Dr Joseph Allen, director of the healthy buildings program at the Harvard Centre for Health and the Global Environment, said it was an area that had been largely ignored.

哈佛大学健康和全球环境中心(Harvard Centre for Health and the Global Environment)的约瑟夫·艾伦(Joseph Allen)博士说,一直以来这都是个很大程度上被人们忽视的地方。

We spend 90 per cent of our time indoors and 90 per cent of the costs of a building are (related to) the occupants, yet indoor environmental quality and its impact on health and productivity are often an afterthought, he said.


These results suggest even modest improvements to indoor environmental quality may have a profound impact on the decision making performance of workers.


The findings follow British research which found having plants in offices boosts productivity by 15 per cent by making workers more physically, cognitively and emotionally involved in their jobs.




carbon dioxide:二氧化碳



Do you love being out in the fresh air all the time? Does the idea of being stuck inside at work for at least eight hours a day make you want to cry? Some people arent cut out for office work or other jobs that would force them to spend all their time, or at least much of it, indoors. If you are one of them, these outdoor jobs may be for you. Beware though: working outside means being exposed to inclement weather or other bad conditions at times.




Masons use concrete blocks, bricks or natural stones to build structures like walkways, walls and fences. You can train for this occupation by doing an apprenticeship sponsored by a local union or contractor association. This combines practical and classroom training.


Agricultural Manager


Agricultural managers oversee the operation of farms, ranches, nurseries and similar businesses. They supervise workers who tend to daily tasks. Although a lot of their time is spent outdoors, agricultural managers also work in offices where they plan budgets, keep records, arrange for maintenance of equipment and purchase supplies. Training often takes place on the job but some individuals earn college degrees in agriculture.


EMT and Paramedic


EMTs and paramedics spend their days traveling in an ambulance to treat patients who are injured or have suddenly become ill. They must work wherever the event has occurred, which may be in someones home, but could be on the side of a busy highway or somewhere else become an EMT you will have to do postsecondary training at a community college or technical institute and then become licensed by the state in which you want to work. You will need to earn an associate degree if you decide to become a paramedic.




Glaziers cut, fit, install and repair glass in residential and commercial buildings. They often work outdoors, standing on scaffolds and ladders as they install windows and glass plates on buildings. This requires them to be strong and have good balance. Typically you can train for this occupation by becoming an apprenticeglazier.




Conservationists, also called soil and water conservationists or conservation scientists, look for ways to use natural resources that do not harm the environment. While they spend some time in offices, they must also work outdoors where they are exposed to inclement weather, poisonous plants and stinging or biting insects. If you want to work in this field you will have to get a bachelors degree in environmental science, biology, forestry, agronomy or agricultural science.


Construction or Building Inspector


Construction and building inspectors make sure that new and existing construction meets state’s and local codes, zoning regulations and ordinances. They inspect houses, office buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels and dams. Many of their tasks demand being at worksites, but some involve tending to tasks in an office. You can often work as an inspector if you have work experience in the construction trades. If you dont have this type of background, you may be able to enter this field after taking courses in architecture or engineering or getting an associate degree with courses in building inspection and construction technology.


HVAC Technician


HVAC technicians install, maintain or repair heating and cooling systems. Some people who work in this occupation specialize in one or the other, and in either installing, maintaining or repairing it. Work usually keeps HVAC technicians indoors, but some jobs take them outdoors where they may have to work in bad weather. If you want to become an HVAC technician, find an apprenticeship through a local union.


Television News Reporter


Television news reporters investigate and report stories to viewers. Their work includes conducting interviews and observing events outdoors where they are frequently exposed to inclement weather. It is likely you will need to earn a bachelors degree in journalism or mass communication if you want to work as a TV reporter but some employers might hire you if you have a degree in another subject.




Hydrologists, who are experts in the earths most basic resource, water, solve problems including flooding and drought. Their work takes them outdoors where they must wade into lakes andrivers to collect samples. They also spend some time in offices analyzing data on computers. While you might be able to find work as a hydrologist with a bachelors degree, your chances are much better if you earn a masters degree in environmental science, engineering or geoscience, with a concentration in hydrology.




Assessors analyze the values of groups of homes for the purpose of determining how much property tax owners have to pay. To evaluate properties, they conduct site visits. A lot of time is spent in the office as well. Educational requirements are typically set by state assessor boards or by individual municipalities if a state board does not exist.



Men Lie About How Much They Work in Order to Have Work-Life Balance


When we think about work-life balance, its easy to default to imagining a working mother trying to balance the demands of home and family with her commitment to her professional growth. But, men yearn for work-life balance too. However, the methods they use to achieve this balance differ from the strategies employed by women.


Erin Reid, an assistant professor at Boston Universitys Questrom School of business recently conducted a fascinating study on the topic. Lets take a closer look at the findings.

来自波士顿大学商学院的副教授Erin Reid最近做了一项有关这个问题的研究。让我们来看下研究的结果:

1. The pressure is on for everyone.


Reid conducted her study at a global strategy consulting firm. As is typical in the industry, consultants were expected to travel and work evenings and weekends on short notice, they were also expected to put in long hours and demonstrate an abundant and unrelenting devotion to the firm, one that supersedes other life commitments.


2. Men and women cope differently.


Reid found that women tended to take accommodations such as reducing their hours, therefore revealing that they werent always hitting the high mark expected by the firm. Men, on the other hand, found ways around the expectations, cultivating mostly local clients in order to avoid travel, or leaning on others to cover for them when they were away from the office.


3. Womens honesty didnt help them professionally, and the mens tactics made it worse.


Reid found that women were far more likely to seek accommodations or ask for greater flexibility in order to help them achieve the work-life balance their personal lives demanded. Men, on the other hand, were much more apt to find ways around the system without revealing that they were falling short of expectations.


So, what can we take away from this? The most immediate idea might be that either men have to stop lying about when and how theyre working, or women need to adopt the habit of fudging the facts a little on their end.



We all like to think that we’re constantly pressed for time, but the reality is that most of us waste this vast resource simply by remaining unaware of how we spend our days. So if you need to find more time in your day check out the following six tips on how to get more done in less time:


Tip #1 – Set your alarm clock earlier


Yeah, yeah – this is the one tip that nobody ever wants to hear… But here’s the thing – if the rest of your day is already packed full of productive work, you’re going to be hard-pressed to free up as much time throughout your day as you can by waking up earlier in the morning. Even getting to the office a half hour ahead of your coworkers can give you the quiet time needed to start your day off on a productive note.


Tip #2 – Lay out your clothes at night


Morning indecision about what you’ll wear is a huge time-waster, so take a few minutes each evening to lay out the clothing you’ll wear the next day. If you’ll be hitting the gym before you’re home again, setting out your gym clothing as well will help you to save time and avoid forgetting important items.


Tip #3 – Prep meal ingredients ahead of time


Taking the time to do as much of your meal prep work ahead of time as possible can save you some major time – not to mention help you avoid unhealthy “eating out because you don’t have the energy to prep and cook a meal” trips.


Tip #4 – Opt for public transportation


When you drive to work, you can’t send email messages, finish up a set of business documents or watch training videos. If you have the option to take public transportation, consider doing so and use the spare minutes you’ve found to catch up on business tasks before you arrive at the office.


Tip #5 – Start each day with a pre-made “to do” list


If you’re arriving at your office without a clear vision of what you must accomplish throughout the day, you’re already wasting time! Instead, take a few minutes before you leave the office each night to write a list of the 1-3 most important things you must do the next day.


Tip #6 – Wear headphones to minimize distractions


Having fun coworkers is great – until you need to actually get work done. If you can’t seem to stop gossiping with colleagues when you should be handling the items on your “to do” list, invest in a comfortable pair of headphones and wear them – music on or off – until you’re finished. People are often more reluctant to interrupt those wearing headphones.


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