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来源网站:卡耐基范文网 2023-07-04 23:12:32


英语发言稿格式 篇一

Ladies teacher and CLAssmate:

Good morning。 I am three years。 Twenty CLAss stadent。 My name is Jane Wong。 I would like to thank you teacher and CLAssmate giving me this chance to have book review , As is well-known。 Childhood is curiosity and reading。

Now I would like to share learning mate experience, To speak frankly, I like reading books about maths ,Especially problem sdving ones 。I can learn how to control your brain and master analysis and logicfrommath。 During the process of counting and understanding the question you will meet a good friend。 Her name is patience In truth, during the process of math, we not only manage our brains,we also operate our hands, We learn ways to use our brains and develop a pair of skillful hands。

Learning math has too many advantages, besides training our thinking and letting us know many friends。 The most important thing is we will use the arithmetic all our lives, for example: counting the candy in our pockets, the score on examinations, even the speed Dad drives the car。 There are so many examples in our lives, Lastly, I want to say thank you again for listening to my book review and I hope you will like math as much as I like it。 Thank you very much!

英语发言稿格式 篇二

I’m Li Ming, now I’m going to talk about how to swim safely. You know, swimming is a sport that most of us like because it can help us keep in good health. But there are still some things we should care about. First of all, it’s dangerous for us to swim in rivers alone. So we had better go with our parents or friends.

Next, before we get into the river, we should make sure that we have got enough preparations. Then, it’s dangerous to swim in a large circle. Swim in a small circle and you will get help quickly if you are in trouble and try to keep your swimming time a little shorter. Last but not the least, don’t swim in a river if there is a sigh says “No Swimming” 。 I hope all of us would do this sport in safe ways. That’s all.

英语发言稿格式 篇三

Welcome to our English Corner. The English Corner was set up by some English teachers and students ten years ago. Every Saturday eveningfrom7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, studentsfromdifferent schools nearby gather here. In our English Corner, we can practice our oral English and improve our English abilities.

 At the same time, we also meet a variety of people here, including some foreign friends. So we can use English Corner to make new friends and increase our knowledge. Usually we choose a topic for participants to discuss and we also organize activities, such as singing English songs and playing English games. So enjoy yourself here. Thanks.

英语发言稿格式 篇四

Hello, everybody!

I am very glad to be here to give you my lecture on how to prevent A/H1N1 flu.

Since the A/H1N1 flu is around us, we should pay great attention to our health and know something about the terrible disease.

First, develop a good habit of rest. Get up and go to bed early.

Second, have a healthy diet, for example, have meals on time and do not eat too much junk food.

Third, do some exercises you prefer to during your spare time.

Finally, do not throw litter everywhere, and be careful not to spit on the ground. I hope all of you can do as what I told you just now to keep good health.

Thanks for your listening.

英语发言稿格式 篇五

Comrades: Hello, everybody!

Bathed in the warm spring breeze of reform and the solid step of building a harmonious society. Today, we have welcomed the grand opening of the XX working conference. I feel very honored. This is a successful congress and a successful conference. The main idea of this meeting is to conscientiously implement the requirements of our superiors to our work and to deploy all the tasks of this year in an all-round way, which I think is very important and very timely.

Just now, comrade XX made a comprehensive speech on the achievements and shortcomings that have been made last year and the work arrangement of this year. I fully agree and support it. This has a very important practical guiding significance for the future of the work of XX.

I think Comrade XX has spoken very well and profoundly. I hope all the comrades present here will conscientiously understand and thoroughly understand the spirit of the conference. After returning, we should seriously convey the spirit of Comrade XX's speech, and further carry out the implementation in light of the actual work of the unit. We must work hard and make persistent efforts to promote the all-round development of XX work and strive to create a new prospect for XX work.

Next, I add four comments on XX's work.

First, we must be highly unified in mind for the work of XX. With "Scientific Outlook on Development" and "Three Representatives" as the guiding ideology, "building a harmonious society" as the action criterion, conscientiously comprehendand analyze the core spirit of the document. We can not simply think that a meeting is to walk away and leave the documents on one side after going back. This idea is negative and wrong. It is necessary to raise awareness, especially for Party members and cadres to take the lead of the pioneer and fully understand the importance and necessity of the XX work.

Although XX has already created a good situation, it has made gratifying achievements. However, comrades here must not be complacent and complacent. Our work is done well, that is, the people are the masters of the country. We must guide the work with the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and look at the development of workfromtwo angles. I think the most important thing is to raise awareness. Organizations at all levels should strengthen the publicity on the work of XX and popularize various rules and regulations and various preferential policies. Only in this way can the work of XX be further promoted and further development can be achieved.

Two, for XXX work, we must act in a highly consistent manner. As far as I know, there are still some individual comrades and individual departments who believe that a meeting is a form of communication. Of course, it is necessary to open the conference, and it is also necessary to upload it. Otherwise, how can the comrades present here understand the current situation and the requirements of the superior? I think simply making a phone call saves people's financial resources and is efficient and practical. But is it really effective? Speaking empty words, formulaic words and bureaucratic affairs are not practical tasks. We are the servants of the people. The common people are our parents. We do not really work hard and put them into practice. Can they afford the common people? Therefore, leaders at all levels should put the work of XX on the specific agenda, deploy them in a specific way, and conscientiously implement them. Leaders at all levels should work for XX, create relatively abundant material conditions and relatively relaxed public opinion environment, and promote the implementation of XX work.

Three, for the work of XXX, we must coordinate highlyfromwork. At theendof this meeting, leaders at all levels should make clear responsibility, assign specific responsible persons, sign responsibility with various departments, incorporate year-endperformance assessment, carry out yellow card responsibility system, and inform and correct unfinished units and individuals. Therefore, the comrades present here should carry forward the revolutionary spirit of hard work and never shrink. We should unify the organization, unified leadership, unified planning, unified coordination, and take four "high coordination" as the guide. Combine all aspects and links. The responsibility is implemented, the division of labor is clear, and the high quality and high standards accomplish the tasks assigned by our superiors to us. However, some people reacted to me, and some units and individuals were in trouble with each other. They increased the cost of the people's affairs and left a bad impression on the hearts of the people. This bureaucracy must be stifled at the beginning and must be investigated to specific units and individuals. All the units and individuals who have been complains are obliged to correct them right away. They should be removedfromthe overdue and transferredfromthe unit.

Four, finally, I hope that all the comrades here must have a high sense of responsibility and a sense of mission. We are very capable of understanding the difficulty of everyone's work, so we can talk about it, but it will not be possible to accomplish it in two days in a specific way. We are ready to invest a lot of human resources and resources to ensure that our comrades are at ease and steadfast in their work. The XX work you have undertaken has shouldered the eagerly hope of the organizations at all levels. I hope that you should work together in the same position, work hard, make achievements, throw the head and sprinkle the blood and contribute to the socialist modernization of the motherland.

The above four points are for reference only to all comrades here. If there are any shortcomings, please forgive me and correct me. In short, we need to make every effort to overcome all difficulties, to uplift our spirit and to make progress, forge ahead and keep pace with the times, and strive to create a new situation in XX work.

Comrades, XX has a great responsibility and a glorious mission. We will continue to deepen the reform, work hard, make persistent efforts and create resplendence. We will return the whole society with a high standard of Communist Party members and high quality work enthusiasm.

Thank you.

英语发言稿格式 篇六

Hello everyone,it's really my honor to be , shall we talk about courage.

Courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men and women. Courage is the mother taking care of her sick child in the early morning hours. Courage is the father who shows up on time everyday at a boring, low-paying, dead-endjob to feed and clothe his family.

Courage comes in many forms, not onlyfromthoughts and deeds of greatness, but in the routine, everyday art of living.

When life gets you down, when it seems that your world is at anend, take courage and go the next step. You will be amazed at the power and strength you have inside.

Just gather up enough courage to take you through this day. You only have to live one day at a time. You do not have to deal with all your troubles at one time. Like the Scotsman said, "The troubles of tomorrow must wait until this day is done."

Yes, courage comesfromdeep within the heart and flushes away the paralysis created by fear. A song, a story, a poem or a friendcould re-ignite the spark of courage and inspire us to take the next step to success.

That’s all,thank you!

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